B.F Missions

Thank you for coming here to learn more about the B.F. Missions! If you have a prayer card that has sent you to our site, rest assured you are in the right location but for privacy purposes we do not list our missionary family's names or pictures.
The B.F left out for Nepal in mid October of 2022. They were immediately welcomed by Nepali brothers and sisters in Christ.
Although they have only been there a short time, they have seen multiple conversions to Christ and for this reason we rejoice!
What an answered prayer this is.
As a background, for those that are unaware, this family sold all their belongings and left for Nepal after feeling called (for several years) to overseas missions. They are there via support, both prayerfully and financially from their Christian brothers and sisters here at EnCompass, as well as friends and family in other locations.
If you would like to give on their behalf, please see the link below. (There will be a drop down menu from which you can select Nepal. This money will go directly to this family.)
Regardless, if you are a believer, we ask you to pray for the B.F.
Pray that God would continue to use them as a family to go out and impact His kingdom. Pray for their safety, their health, and their ability to learn the language and the culture well.
Generic updates will be posted to this page, but for a more detailed update, please sign up to be on their email list and witness what God is doing on a regular basis!
Link to Donate: