At EnCompass, we strive to meet all age groups where they are! We understand that kids and adults learn in different ways and we try to accommodate that when possible.
On Sunday mornings everyone meets at 10:30 in the sanctuary together for a time of worship through song. After our third song, we have a transition time when kids ages 0-5th Grade, go and break up into their age group classes.
On Wednesdays we divide up even more. We have Men's, Women's, Youth, and kid classes. We feel this gives opportunity for us to grow together as a church family and become more than just a friendly face that we see in passing on Sunday mornings. Wednesdays are a good place to grow together!
We also offer several small groups on a variety of days. These, even more than anything else, become like family. They live life together, grow together, learn together. These are the groups that know when we are in need, and how to help!
We want church to be family, not just people sitting together in a building. We are all made by the same creator, the same Heavenly Father, so we shouldn't live as strangers! In a big group though, it can be hard to get to know one another so we encourage you to get involved in the other ministries as well!
EC Kids

EnCompass is in no shortage of kids and we absolutely love it! At any given event, you will see loads of kids from all ages running around and we are excited to watch this generation grow.
Erica Williams does a great job at organizing our kid classes and events.
Sunday mornings we offer three different age classes for the littles during the sermon.
Nursery: Ages 0-2
Wednesdays we offer classes for ages
Prek-1st and 2nd-5th
(6th and up join in with the youth group)
There are several kid geared events throughout the year as well! Please check out our EC Kids tab for more info.
Youth Ministry
Youth come together on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and are led by Andy Williams and Mannix and Chelsey Jones. Youth age range from 6th-12th grades. The Youth Group enjoys many fun camps and events through out the year. It is a fun and safe environment for kids to grow and learn together! Please check out our Youth tab for more info.

Women's Ministry
Women meet together, in the sanctuary, every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. This is a great time to get to know sisters in Christ, to dive into God's word together in an environment that is relaxed and comfortable. The lessons are led by, Lauren Bible, but often turn into conversations as an entire group. It is a pressure free time to learn and grow together. Please check out our EC Ladies tab for more info.
Men's Ministry
Men meet together, in the nursery room, (yes in the nursery) every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. This is a great time to get to know brothers in Christ, to dive into God's word together in an environment that is relaxed and comfortable. The lessons are led by, Jesse Bible, but often turn into conversations as an entire group. It is a pressure free time to learn and grow together.

Small Groups
Small Groups are the BEST way to get to know your church family. We know, the idea of going to someone's house can be overwhelming and even more so if you think about bringing your children but friends this is how we are called to live biblically! What better way to get to know people than to dive in to the bible together, to learn from and with one another and an even better example to set for your kids. Kids can make small groups a bit chaotic at times, but the truth is, it is a need for them to see us as parents coming together for the sake of Christ. However, if the season of parenthood is beyond you or even ahead of you, we also offer groups that are helpful to you too! Most groups meet on Sunday evenings, but there are others that meet on Fridays, and one that meets on Sunday mornings before church starts. Please see our Small Groups tab for a current listing of those!
Tel. 423-657-0808
495 Gap Creek Road
Bulls Gap, TN 37811
Sunday Morning Worship
10:30 am
Wednesday Classes